Poziv k nujni dostavi medicinske opreme v EU

Danes 19.3.2020 sta evropska poslanca dr. Klemen Grošelj in Irena Joveva poslala pismo na temo poziva k nujni dostavi medicinske opreme v EU.

V pozivu navajata dejstvo, da so mnoge države na robu z zalogami ter, da je ukrepanje in sprostitev zastojev nujna. Pozivata tudi na podporo ukrepov komisarja Lenarčiča k odpravi carinskih in mejnih omejitev za medicinsko opremo, saj mora le ta čimprej biti dostopna celotnemu evropskemu prebivalstvu. Prav tako predlagata, da naj pri samem transportu vključimo vse varnostne ukrepe.


 Brussels, 19 March 2020


Mrs Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission


Subject: Urgent delivery of medical equipment in the EU


Dear President von der Leyen,

We are writing to you concerning an issue of utmost importance which affects the lives of millions of EU citizens.
There are several reports of critical medical equipment and material that has been blocked and is currently stuck in different locations across the EU. It is becoming clear and it is extremely worrying that the free movement of these indispensable goods within the EU is not being guaranteed. It is imperative that this medical equipment reaches all parts of the EU as soon as possible, as many countries are running out of stocks.

We therefore call on you to take swift action and support the efforts of Commissioner Lenarčič in order to allow these vital supplies to reach the European population, by lifting customs and border restrictions on these goods.

A humanitarian corridor for this urgent medical equipment needs to be established to safeguard the health of all European citizens and ensure their contribution to the joint effort in the fight against COVID-19.

Yours sincerely,

Klemen Grošelj MEP
Irena Joveva MEP